Lines 143 - 157

No thophi ya u tswa:
You seduced me against my will (lit. you made me eat stolen pumpkin porridge):
Muloi kha u lowe !
And you'll pay for it (lit. let the sorcerer bewitch hunger)!
Mahosi vha mu badela:
Chiefs will pay him (to admit guilt):
Ndi wa -ya-.
It is (really) the child of Elephant-Head (the founding ancestor of the royal lineage).
lwa tholo .
The horn of the kudu is not clean.
Line 147 refers to a man who cannot pass another's wife without flirting with her. refers, of course, to the penis. Lines 143-146 refer to seduction cases in which, for the sake of their reputation, chiefs may pay young commoners to admit guilt which is really their own.

Ndo sokou vhona hone u beba.
I have merely seen a baby born.
Mbebo dzanga dzi a shengela:
My girls, you will suffer:
Ndi u shengela nga hone u beba.
Child-birth is painful.
A re a songo vayiwa.
One who is small should not be made pregnant (lit. be pierced).
Ndi takala ndo ya khangala:
I was happy when I went outside:
yanga i shamani,
Tears are on my cheeks,
Ndi tshi bula hone u beba.
When I tell people about birth.
Yo vhoniwa nga murwa thovhela.
It was seen by the chief's son.
A ni mpfi ndi a bebela:
You don't hear me when I give birth (i.e. I keep a stiff upper lip):
Vharena, ndo tswuka na mavu.
Princes, I am red with earth.
Line 148 may be followed by Vhe ri Muhololi ya thavha (They say, It is the mountain snake): see line 178 ff.

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