A ndayo of tshikanda I heard only twice is:  


 Song No. 9

 1  Tshihule matshokotike u hwela danda.
   The grass rustles when a falling tree parts it.
 Chorus:  Ahee, u hwela danda atshokotike.
   The tree falls on to it and it rustles.



Danda (log, or pole) is often used to refer to the male organ, and tshihule (lit. bundle of grass) to the pubic hairs, in this case of a woman. This is puzzling, however, because Venda women are supposed to keep their hairs shaved.

It is just possible that the words of this song may have been suggested by the praises of the Twanamba clan of Tshivhula, or that they may be a corruption of or conscious pun on it. The clan praises are:

Dzulani Mutwanamba wa ha Tshivhule tsha matshokotike tsha gumba fhelaho nga mipfa.

Sit down, Twanamba of Tshivhule, whose egg was utterly smashed with thorns.



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