Catasto Onciario

Details of taxation, property and debt in the register

As well as information about persons, the cadaster contains details of property and debts. Abitanti had to pay one docato each as a head tax, and 12 once for each adult male and 7 for each youth. Tax was also raised on land, commercial premises, stored goods and livestock. Certain debts are recorded because these were deducted from the total tax owed.

There is a link to the property details in the atti preliminari for this entry where the information is more detailed and appears to relate more closely to Lionardo's own testimony

Taxes on persons

One docato as head tax 1
For Lionardo once 12
For Onofrio once 12
For Niccola once 12
For Angelantonio once 7


Resides in his own house situated in the place called il Pozillo
To the chapel of the Hospital of Ascoli the amount annually of 8 docati and 40grana
He owns a vigna of 4 miglie situated in the place called le Fontane estimated at an annual rent of 2 docati in tax 6 - 20
Another vigna of 11 miglie situated in the place called il Pecarello estimated at an annual rent of 3 docati in tax 10 -
Total tax 59 - 20


Debts to deduct
To the Cathedral Chapter of Ascoli the Censo fondale of the said vigna of 4 miglie, 5 carlini owed annually, in tax 1 - 20
To Don Nicola Domenico Palumbi for his capital of 17 docati, 10 carlini and 2 grana annually, in tax 3 - 12
Total tax 5 - 2
There remains the portion for tax 54 - 18


small field, literally a vinyard but used for other types of crops. The most common type of landed property among townspeople. Vigne around the town of San Severo near Ascoli from a 17th century map.
docato, carlini, grana
The three monetary units of the Kingdom of Naples in the 18th century. 30 grana make 1 carlino, and ? carlini make 1 docato.
Accounting unit of the Catasto Onciario.