The procession of San PotitoPatronal saint of Ascoli Satriano, Puglia, ItalyWith photographs of the 1997 procession Every year in late August, the town of Ascoli Satriano in southern
Italy holds a festival in honour of the patron saint, San Potito. The celebrations have both a secular emphasis in the popular
festival and a religious procession and service. The processionThe procession begins at the Cathedral and progresses toward the San Antonio gate, then winds through narrow streets up to the castle before descending to the Porta Nova gate and the Borgo area, up to the monastery of San Potito and finally down again to the Piazza to enter the Cathedral again. Although there have been modifications, the procession follows a route that is very similar to that taken by the enumerators of Ascoli's 18th century ecclesiastical population listings. It begins at dusk although the photgraphs have been lightened to show more detail. As with most similar events, there is a clear ordering of personnel with ecclesiastical preceding secular participants. Senior ecclesiastics head the procession, followed by the statue
of the saint and then attendants, nuns and confraternity members.
Next come civic dignitaries preceded by costumed attendants and
followed by the town band. The public walk behind with the particular
devotees (often women) towards the front of this section. A significant
number of citizens participate in the procession.