The Published Accounts

The results of the collaborative fieldwork undertaken by Chilver and Kaberry in the Grassfields of Cameroon appeared in published form in 1968 in a volume entitled: Traditional Bamenda: The Pre-colonial History and Ethnography of the Bamenda Grassfields. This volume, no longer in print, is an ethnographic overview of the region and remains, to date, the starting point for any ethnographic research in the Grassfields. Information on the chiefdom of Bum appears in a section on 'Traditions of Migration, Settlement and State Formation' and also in 'Social and Political Institutions: Selected Examples'. The sections reproduced here are taken from an earlier version entitled: 'Notes on the Precolonial History and Ethnography of the Bamenda Grassfields (Prefectures of Bamenda, Wum, and Nkambe' and privately circulated by Chilver and Kaberry in 1966. This version is identical to the published version.

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