A translated version of this text is given to everyone who does interviews for me. This by itself is not enough instructions but this at least gives them an idea of why I want the information and some of the things I don't want (ie, correcting informants mistakes, using Urdu, restricting the informant's time to speak). The idea is to create some sort of unity among the interviewers-- that they are part of a team and they are part of collecting data which is important for me. The collective spirit (for lack of a better term) is very strong in the village so I want to capitalise on people's desire to do things as a group and get them working together.
You are joining the team of Bhaloti Anthropologist Assistants. Our
primary job is to try and find out how many people live in this village and what
category they belong to. Next we want to find out the loyalties that exist between
Maliks and indivduals. Which Maliks help villagers? How do they help? When do they
help? When do they refuse to help? Finally we want to know which languages people
speak in the home. Are there any people who call themselves Pathans who don't speak
Pushto in the home? Are there Gujars who speak Gujaree? Do any Kashmiris speak Kashmiri?
Lastly what are villagers' perceptions/ideas of why I am living here?
Instructions to interviewers:
1) All interviews should be in your mother tongue (Punjabi or Pushto) NOT Urdu.
2) Ask for permission to record. If they refuse then choose someone else.
3) Record ALL of interview and conversation before and after. Natural language samples
is the reason for recording so I want as much as possible.
4) Each interview should take no more than 15 minutes but should not take less than
5 minutes. Ask people to elaborate on questions 18, 19 if necessary.
5) Remember-- your job is to get the interviewee to speak and express him or herself
freely. The information by itself is useful but not as useful as what interviewees
may tell us spontaneously-- so LET THEM TALK!!!!
6) Lastly, don't correct interviewees if you think they are wrong. Make a note on
the form if you think they are lying or making a mistake but write down their answers
as they give them. What people BELIEVE is true is as important as what IS true.