I was pleased with the first set of interviews that came back but realised that I was not really getting as much useful information as I could in a short interview. The following is a revised version the first one. The forms are all given in English but interviewers have one copy with Urdu translation. It is an Urdu translation rather than a Punjabi translation for the time being since everyone tells me Punjabi is too difficult to write (meaning they never write in Punjabi). The last question (Why do you think a foreigner is living in the village?) was a last minute addition. I have heard a few strange explanations of why I'm here so wondered what the range of explanations might be.
Name:___________________________ Age:___________
Father's name:_____________________________________________
Mother's name:_____________________________________________
Head of Household:__________________________________________
Relation to interviewee:________________________________________
Married: Yes / No Children: Boys:_______ Girls__________
Caste: ______________________ Sub Caste:____________________
How many people total in household?:_____________
Men:_________ Women:_______ Under 12:______ Over 60:_______
Where does interviewee work (if he/she works)?____________________________
Language spoken in home:________________________
Total Languages spoken: Punjabi / Urdu / Pushto / Gujaree / English / Other_________
Which Malik do you ask for help?_______________________________________
Tell why you last asked a Malik for help:
Why do you think a foreigner is living in your village?