16/11 i(0151 Mehmet Ik) - {one of}i(0157 Zbeyr)'s sons - to Iskanderum for work, went about 5th or 6th.{nov. 49}
14/11 i(0008 Mustafa Aksoyf) back from Adana
16/11 i (M111 uayip Ik) moved to mother's village, bought land and built a house - didn't go to his wife's (=mother's brother's house) imi.
i(0093 Haci Ahmet Bekar) {gl: he did take his wife for 2 yearts or so} - went to town as hamal {porter}, his brother looks after his land (vol.3.p.102)
i(0091 mer Bekar) remains to farm (he says he is usta), his brothers i(0089 Mehmet Bekar)(svac {plasterer} to be, amele {labourer} Ankara) and i(0092 Bekir
Bekar) (svac, Istanbul) go out to work. {gl: also brother i(0090 Mustafa Bekar)}
k<labour, migrants, db>