24/11 i(M002 Bekir Karabulut), son of i(0175 Skr Karabulut), {gl: visiting} moved to Vekse ky (Gesi) and there buys and sells animals, seyyar satc,
manifatura {factory cloth} - horse, well-dressed, spurs, Russian hat, -
"arazi ?"
" istemez - ok iyi geiniyorum orada" - his brothers to take them {his fields} without money.
25/11 i(M002) Moved to Vekse because no one doing his job there, mainly because his emme married there, being hoca, - gave him his daughter in marriage. (c.f.
Yamacl - 10 landless families are not usta {craftsmen}; amele {labour}.
k<emigration, labour, Vekse, Yamal, i(M002)>