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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 52a

Page: 83
Date: 2/4.11. 49.
Location: Sakaltutan

Land Tenure

2/11/49 i(0317 Haci Y) farms 3 (?) dnm as yarc {sharecropper, halfer}to i(0086 Haydar Bekar)
{c: I made a cross and wrote 'no' at some later date. Seems improbable at first sight.}
(Alaynl Eg) {gl: not clear - Eg could mean eitmen.i.e. i(0317) yarc to Alayinli}
Yarc. Gives half seed, does all the work except half the reaping, and takes half the crop.
Relationship is not a constant one, yarc may vary from year to year.

4/11 i(0147 Kazim Ik) - {his} family do some yarclk, but answers not fully understood.
No spare land for cultivation. {c: very important - land to share crop diffcult to get}
k<share cropping, yarclk, village land>



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