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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 53e

Page: 86-7
Date: 13-16. 11. 49.
Location: Sakaltutan

13/11 - {failed note!!}

14/11 i(0238 Abdurrahman Talasl) to evlik for his sheep, sent to pasture there. Only lambs on home fields, sheep are away at yayla, given to shepherds paid in
cash for looking after them. Shepherd changes every
six months.

14/11 Toklu : 6 months - 1 year lambs. davar - flock.

15/11 i(0244 Emin Talasl) took sheep to iraz for yayla {pasture}.

16/11 Sheep come in once weekly for salt. Great cuffuffle, everyone sorting out their own sheep.
k<sheep, pasture, herding, salt>



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