19/7 Half way to Kanber, large expanse of wheat, i(Cemal Ates) yarc {sharecropper}with i(0039 Haci Ahmet) - alongside it,i(0157 Zbeyr)'s the same.
i(Duran Tasdemir) trying to knife a mole, for eating his potatoes. Showed me dying plants.
20/7 Harvesting begun; nearly all able-bodied men in the fields from 5 a.m. to akam {evening}; children come and go on donkeys with food, water etc., women
also working, mainly on gathering barley and short wheat {squatting with sickles}. A few people (1 in Kanber 19/7) threshing a little, because no flour - e.g.
i(Cemal Ates).
k<harvest, sharecroppers, food in the fielkds, women harvesting>
k<land utilisation>