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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 32

Page: 59
Date: 1950
Location: Kayseri

Based on official figures sent to Ankara by the Ziraat Mdr in Kayseri. They are signed by the
Muhtar and a Memur. Some of the figures are impossible; they would seem to depend on the
Muhtar's estimate, and are in remarkably round figures. They are therefore thoroughly
unreliable. Figures for Kepez are specially unreliable.

Labour export Av. hect.
Steel kagn men days p.a. per family Special features
Sakaltutan 8 80 25 10 23 8 dairying families, 1 cream machine
1 one-man grocer {gl: hand writing?}
Kanber 2 50 50 50 8
Sleymanl 4 100 50 90 10
Ardi 1 12 15 30 17
Vengicek - 60 30 15 9 1 blacksmith, 1 carpenter, 3 masons
(by family). 2 quarries employ 10 men
Kepez - 70 50 60 29
sbile 2 60 100 90 10 1 araba, 1 cream machine,
Imports labour Aug-July - 200
come for 30 days.
Muracak 2 5 30 40 9 27 factory-working families;
1 one-man shop.
Kurukpr 2 150 60 20 11 10 mason families, 2 oil presses,
2 one-man shops.
Dikir 2 20 30 30 9
Cebir - 7 10 15 8 2 mills
Readiye - - 250 150 16 Bez fabrikas{gl. textile factory} 120
men, 4 mills, 2 quarries.
Zincidere - - - - 11 military school, 1 miller, 7 grocers,
4 butchers, 2 bakers, 1 kahve evi,
3 weavers.
Tavlusun - - 200 100 17 500 men imported 30 days April, Oct.,
Aug.; 50 pekmezci families; 1 cafe,
1 quarry (13 men), 25 weavers,
136 masons, 2 bakkal, 1 barber,
2 butchers.
Enderlik - - 40 45 5 1 shop, 2 mills, 42 ticaret, 4 masons.
Mimarsinan - 60 300 180 6 2 araba, 15 masoneries (240 men),
2 grocers, 1 blacksmith, 1 barber.
(= Clavuk)
Akakaya No data 11 foresters, 30 weavers, 15 transport,
5 blacksmiths, 80 carpenters,
20 masons, 14 ticaret {gl: ."commerce" , but it has a range of
usages} {gl. the original is not clear here}


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