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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 1e

Page: 24
Date: 15.9.49
Location: Sakaltutan

25/9/49 Sakaltutan k<religion> k<time>
Time - varies daily, hoca used a modern watch set to correct Moslem time e.g. ten to one about
eight o' clock
Hoca taught me a few things, but I don't remember.
(Grace - Bismillah) - he seemed quite keen to teach me.
He went off at akam namaz time to utter the ezan from the mosque, and came back later;
when he is not present no one gives the call to prayer.
"Hocalk iyi" - see Sak. p. 32-3.

i(0039 Ahmet Aslan) and two others {gl:.i(0281 Haci Ali Tufan), i(0237 Haci Mehmet Talasl)} and one from Sleymanli off to Meccah; takes 2-3 months, costs
1,600 T.L.
(150); Kurban Bayram.
"mahrum" - word for that which is not expressly forbidden, but forbidden by implication.
{gl: concise Oxford Turk/Eng - "deprived"}.
Wandering with the boys, I learned that the tomb is "where the best/most important men of the
village are buried", it is mahrum (see above) to go into the wall surrounding it.
{ c: my translation of what the boys said is not true. It was probabvlky their notion.}



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