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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 47

Page: 75
Date: 14. 3. 50.
Location: evlik

Population 200, hane 30. Owns yayla. {gl : summer pasture} Boundaries on Sakaltutan {side} very close to village.
5 or 6 odas - to 8.
Some houses are still caves - quite a few
2 men much richer than the rest ? (Houses ?)
Mosque - new, no minaret thing.
School, Egitmen.
Water - well and muddy stream, 5 minutes walk from village - plenty of water in the village in
the spring
Built on the usual rocky break, quite a steep one, just by a sharp valley on this side.
Soil in the valley (i(0185) A.O.) gives 8 to 10 yield

k<evlik, water, caves, houses, population, topography>


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