Previous note -    Note: 20

Page: 15-16
Date: 10/7/50
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

Methods of Cooking & Cooking Utensils

Visit to i(0185 AO)'s 'ev': i(5204 Fatima Kartn) lighting 'tandr' in outer 'ev'. During Ramazan they only light the 'tandr' in evening for akam yemek. Start
lighting about 6 p.m. Ashes cleaned out, lumps of kerpi broken up and put in. ira lit and used to set light to the kerpi which seem to catch very quickly.
Vast clouds of smoke, lasting about 1/2 hr. i(5204 Fatima) says always get a lot of smoke after lighting the 'tandr', but worse after it's been raining (there
has been rain earlier today). Everyone's eyes watering.

Went in to 'ev' where {i(0185)'s W} i(5205 Atiye Kartn) {was} making ehriye - vermicelli. Stiff dough made with flour, water and eggs; dough rolled out very
thin and fine with a long thin rolling pin on small floured board. (Atiye sitting on her haunches the whole time she was rolling). Keeps on rolling until the
dough is paper thin, then rolls it up around the rolling pin. With sharp knife she cuts down centre of stick - so that dough falls apart into strips. Strips
then piled on top of each other and cut horizontally into very thin strips about 1/8" wide. Set out on large flat tray, and will later be baked over the
"tandr" - used in ordinary way - by boiling in water - to make cereal base.
k<lighting tandr, making ehriye>


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