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Page: 1
Date: 3/6/50
Location: Sleymanl

General Economics. Miscellaneous

Visit to Sleymanli. Compact village sheltered by escarpment fr. winds that blow over Sakaltutan. Greater contrast in houses - e.g. houses lower down hill are
better built than most of those in our village, stone-built; windows, new oda built only last yr. by brother of Kamil the beki, large and well-made - quite a
pleasant room; contrasting with some o. poor hovels higher up. Some rich men in village, imi, Beki's wife said there were some aa(s) in her village. Flour mill
with modern Ruston diesel engine. 8 villaers own shares in this mill (8 out of 9 shares). 2 ex byk {big}Hocas from Kayseri. {gl: i.e.I guess villagers who
became imams in Kayseri and rerturned} Man who has business in Kayseri. More trees than in S. immediately surrounding village, but most balar {vineyards,
gardens} said to be recent.

k<Sleymanl, housisng, standard of living, Kayseri connections, diesel mill, trees, vineyards>

{c: warning: do not over emphasise former rural isolation}


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