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1951_Marg_E_1_R -    Note: 9

Page: 7
Date: 16/10/51
Location: Elba Nahiye

General Economics.

Houses and House Interiors.

Visit to i(1430 Mustafa Kul) Dukkanci {shopkeeper; not surname}: Havlu, with eski ev{old living room} at one end, - a small dark room, tandr, loom, etc. New
buiding at one corner. Approached up steps, leading into an entrance room (at present filled with avdar {rye}, from which door leads into 'oda'. {diagram}. He
built this last year. Windows on three sides - small, fairly low, easier to keep warm in winter, he says.

Cost of building 500 T.L. - expensive because he has no oxen, and had to pay for oxen to bring timbers, earth, etc., as well as buying all the building
materials. Hopes to put on another storey in time. Walls whitewashed. Furnishings - namazlar (rather old and decrepit) along the sedir, one v. nice mohair
kilim, a pair of namazlar} newly made by his wife (v. nice) which he says he means to sell.

Windows all curtained. Yastk along back of sedir. Clean, comfortable.

k<house, furnishings, recent building, building costs, oxen>


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