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1951_Marg_E_1_R -    Note: 11

Page: 8-9
Date: 22/10/51
Location: Elba Nahiye

General Economics.

Houses and House Interiors.

Visited i(6587 Aye)'s house. Rectangular shaped havlu leads to an outer room, dark and cold looking, where the tandr is. Mud floor. V. small. Family say they
sleep here. Door at far end takes one, at sharp turn, into the 'ev' proper. Terribly dark - only light comes from smoke hole. (No window in outer room

Cooking utensils hung up on wall or on shelves made in the wall. Sack of flour for bread, and sack of potatoes, otherwise little food store. Tezek piled up
almost to roof at one side, making room seem even smaller than it really is. Hardly room to turn about in it. i(6587) does her cooking outside. Despite poverty
of this little hovel, such things as there were were all tidy, arranged so as to take up minimum amount of space, and everything v. clean.

k<house, furnishings, poverty>


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