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1951_Marg_E_1_R -    Note: 65

Page: 78-79
Date: 16/11/51
Location: Elba Nahiye

Village - Internal.


i(Hseyn zkul)'s house: wife and sister (i(Ahmet Elba)'s wife) both dressed village style, but each wearing cloth jacket, stockings, and boots. Hseyn's gelin
Melahat was wearing dress over long trousers, stockings, and a v. nice crimson cardigan, bought in Kayseri. V. neat and spruce appearance. Fatime, her younger
sister, a gelin from Gilveli visiting her natal village, was wearing dress of heavy blue cloth, a brown woollen cardigan knitted by herself, stockings and
shoes. Both girls were wearing white muslin headscarves.

Melahat showed me a jacket and skirt, western-style, which she'd had made for her, of heavy serge, by a tailor in Kayseri - a man's tailor, she said. Jacket
quite well cut, skirt shapeless. Melahat complaining that the skirt didn't look nice, said it was 'bol'{full} - which it certainly was. Wanted me to show her
how to take it in, and make pleats in it, so that it would look like mine - which they appeared to think smart. Melahat had obviously some idea how Western
style clothes ought to look, and most anxious that her costume shld. be right.

She also showed me a v. pretty blue tulle scarf, bought for 4 liras in Kayseri, she said. Then said regretfully when she put it away - "but I never have
chance to wear it - not like you. I wear it once, twice, dn {wedding} zamanda, baka yok." {not otherwise} (see E.1. p.2 and 147).

k<clothes,tailored in Kayseri, bought, ideas about fashion>

{c: reading this makes me feel how much I (we?) missed. The social hierarchy and "social knowledge" implicit in all this detailed observation of clothes is
potentially v.i. I suppose I thought it was relatively unimportant at the time, compared with "social structures"}


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