1971-8-71June.2.E-S N163 P 41 D 22.06.71 L Sakaltutan Previous note

1971-8-71June.2.E-S -    Note: 163

Page: 41
Date: 22.06.71
Location: Sakaltutan

Fieldwork conditions.
(i) I had no very clear or specific deficiencies to fill in
(ii) I did not want to spend a whole day
(iii) I had to take Nahiye Mdr, so my expectations were low.

We arrived at about 11.00 pm. Muhtar yok, so we went to i(0270)'s oda as usual. I was a bit embarassed, but {he} was very pleased. Mdr Bey oruc tutiyor.
{fasting} {no hospitality: i(0270) pretty poor to feed a bigwig}

We sat and asked questions and talked; then they all went off for namaz and I was left with i(0270) and i(5279 Nazife Tezcan) - chance of a private talk.

Then we sat outside for a while, had eggs, yogurt and pirinc {gl: rice}, and then I left them and had useful talks with i(0138 Salih Gkpnar) and i(0286 Nazim
Tufan), and finally with i(0252 Necip Tademir).

Then farewells. Relaxed - perhaps too relaxed.

k<field work events>

{c: note my comfortableness}


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