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1971-8-71June.2.E-S -    Note: 176

Page: 51/52
Date: 22.06.71
Location: Sakaltutan

i(0286 Nazim Tufan)
Two sons and two gelins at home - very satis.
Mahir earns "3,000 to 4,000 TL a month" - bricklayer (duvarci but NOT a tasci); I mentioned unemployment - Mahir always in work. Probably the highest earning
usta in the vlg. "He sent 1,000 TL two days ago".

Contrast - Muzaffer at a private, evening ticaret school in Ankara - works by day and studies in the evening.

Father still spending.
Nian{betrothed} to a girl there - TL 4,000 - TL 5,000 "takld" {attached, i.e. gold} - dn masraf olacak.{wedding expenses to come}
Lives by himself kirali. {rent}
i(0286 Nazim Tufan) very obviously fed up about this. Disapproves.
Will Mzaffer pay him back?
"That is up to Mzaffer. o bilir{he knows}"
"What will he do?"
Job in a bank, go into business himself, etc.

k< migrant, Ankara bride, private higher education>


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