{margin} i(Ahmet Sahin) and his bro. marriage
{He} at dinner (with Ates present).
Younger bro. is a bit disinclined to send money home so their F. "evermiyor" {does not marry him} - mentioned anlk {step mother} in this connection.
He couldn't have his brother not be married so he took it on. He, Ahmet, asked the vegetable seller, who reported he had a suitable daughter of his own. Note
brother took no initiative (though he approved the choice - Kismet).
Cost 10,000TL. {He} said F. does nothing and other brothers don't help and even the bridegroom doesn't help much - he {himself} has to face main expenses.
Dgn will be quite soon. Hence they cannot make a house in the village nor can they visit the village this summer, though from {his W's} remarks and tone I
guess she's still hopeful.
[Note: 1975 - this was broken off]
k<F/S quarrel, step mother, eB arranges wedding>