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1980-1.July80-Oct.81 -    Note: 286

Page: 92-94
Date: May 1981
Location: Sakaltutan

i(5492 Yeter) herself. Came into the oda quite freely, and 1st evening asked me questions and talked; quite lively.
1st morning she arrived while I was in bed and started raking out ash. i(0185 A.O.) came in and she went on resolutely sweeping and folding up his bed.
Eventually I asked [her] to leave for ten minutes. Suprising but went submissively. I then got dressed, and soon she came back and finished.
She and i(5013 Fatma) did all the visible chores.
2nd morning I was again alone - I had got out and dressed quickly just before she came in (after raking ash).
She talked freely. Said she was Ťok memnun. Sahattin better, but more work. Up very early to do morning chores, and then she worked on carpets, in the fields, animals etc.; carpet till 11.00 pm. and up again first light. Very hard, never any time to rest.

[i(5492 Yeter)'s tough life]

i(5492 Yeter) - her father gave 20(?) days between carpets, here only a week. She would have preferred the town, of course (direct question from me). She realised she had a life sentence (barring accidents) because the family {?} would keep i(0446 Mustafa) attached to the land. What did the village women [she] think of TV and the women on it? "If we could be free like that!" But she didn't see it much because she was always weaving in the evening.

{com: A traditional arrangement but with quite important differences}


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