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1986_July-Sept_86HH -    Note: 885

Page: 112
Date: 5. 8. 86.
Location: Elba

A day of achievement.

As far as I remember, I set out after eating.
1. i(1229 Kemal Eraslan) - found him - good talk.
2. Then to i(1228 Ali Eraslan). Found his wife - good interview.
3. Asked i(1133 Cuma Sari's) wife - no.
4. Got accosted for photographs by i(Ali Sari's) wife. In the end I went to i(Ali Sari) (Dkh)'s shop and got i(1133 Cuma) - with help of his 11 year old
5. Then to i(Gezici Mustafa) for a visit.
6. Finally to i(1119 Hilmi B.elbasi) - another satisfactory interview - not enough time.
7. i(Mehmet Kocaoglu) with i(Vahap Metiye Haklim).
Then to his Fa. i(1390 Osman Kocaoglu); on the way we had found i(Emine) with i(1369 Hasan (Avai) Kii) (i(Haci Babu)) and a whole bunch of Kii.
We went to collect her, but she was recording reminiscences from i(1369 Hasan Kii). I took V. & M. home and went back. We stayed till 01.30. Finally into
bed at 2.00 am.



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