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1986_July-Sept_86HH -    Note: 977

Page: 225-226
Date: 4. 9. 86.
Location: Adana

i(0163 Raif Isik) plus i(0157 Zbeyr).

A pleasant but not very profitable chat.
He confirmed that the whole secret is capital and timing and says they all have to balance early sale against cash needs. If you run out of money - ifls {gl
: bankruptcy}, very hard to start again. Always risk of change of economic policy etc. He described someone caught with unsellable flats by the 12 Sept

Said the last building he built cost c. 17m., he sold for 22m.TL. - TL3 or 4m. profit (5 or 6? - varied from sentence to sentence); 2m. living costs (modest
c. 160,000TL a month).

So no great profit.
Present arsa is in a back street. He works hard he says - always something to be done.
He was also on about the failures of Turkey - lack of foresight and planning, corruption.
Dr. i(0162 Muammer Isik's) German wife left Antalya 4.00 pm. - missed her by hours. Eva - imdi Havva (M..............).{?} She has never been in Sak.; came
alone for a holiday.

k<contracting> k<construction>


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