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1986_July-Sept_86HH -    Note: 822

Page: 39-40
Date: 21. 7. 86.
Location: Talas/Sakaltutan


Wrestling Sun 21 7 86
(a) Visitors (b) Doctor and Nurse
They brought 5 national wrestlers. They charged 1,000 TL for men, 500 for students and 300 for boys, nothing for women and girls.
They sold a gold necklace with Turkish flags for 270,000TL. Said to have raised TL1m.
Our visitors were hostile and said "Tuti yk" {?}; they resented the whole way charges were levied and money raised.

The man who spent TL270,000 has a yellow Mercedes, i(1345 Ahmet Kayr).

5 members of national wrestling team.
[what expenses were involved?]
Looks like a cross between national fund raising and possibly a little profit here and there.



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