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1986_July-Sept_86HH -    Note: 847

Page: 63- 65
Date: 26/27. 7. 86.
Location: Sakaltutan

i(Mahmut Yilmaz's) Dn in Klete (Ynoren). [i(1027 Haci Akka) elile, Bnyan Garaji] We decided, Emine and I, to make a tape-recording instead of writing it all

Main timetable - Paul.
Sat. 26th 13.00 Arrived. Guests from other villages.
13.50 Flag - Imam
14.15 Emine to fetch i(Mustafa Kartin) and ribbons
15.30 Kurim. Paul visited Kiz Ba
19.30 Evening meal
20.30 Oda emptied of furniture and carpets
21.00 Paul took i(Mahmut) to Kiz Ba
[Paul to Zerezek - ambulance service]

22.30 Paul returned. Senet signed. Nikah. Paul took i(Mahmut) back.

23.00 Paul and Vahap watching young.
Sun 27th Midnight - 1.00 Paul and Vahap watching the young.
01.30 - 06.30 Sleep
06.30 Car washing and decorating.
08.30 Set out with 2 rmork and 2 buses of women and the decorated car.

09.30 Return journey.

10.30 Bride to neighbours house to dance.
12.30 le yemek {gl : lunch}.
15.00 Paul took i(Mustafa) home.
20.00 2 Safra meal for young men.
21.00 Comedy of shoes.
21.30 Imam and Damet and most guests - the mosque. We left.
{2 tapes - one each of P. and Emine discussing Dn. Guest from Tomarzli Sleyman Kahruman (Dnr & Kayin).

k<tape transcription>


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