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1986_July-Sept_86HH -    Note: 857

Page: 81-85
Date: 24. 7. 86.
Location: Elba

Elba Thursday 24th

Kii. Chance encounter.
1. Dn in progress. Davulcu, Zurnaci {gl : drummers, pipers} - young with glasses.
They get a fee from dn sahibi and they also collect money from guests and dancers. [sounds profitable].
(Decided not to pursue details)

i(1371 Gazi Kii) son of i(1369 Hasan), 14 years in Germany.

He did a course (?1955) Sanat Kursu and became mobiliyaci and went to Germany as such officially in 1970. He did not take his family.
He worked with German firm as craftsman and seemed to be a first class one. Returned 1982.
While in Germany he spent two years with a German company in S. Arabia.
With savings, he built and equipped a high level workshop. He showed us a beautiful workbench in a variety of hard woods which he made for himself.

He makes windows and doors, but for last 3 years, no-one building in vlg. because everyone in debt.

He does not make for sale because transport costs of bringing in timber and taking products back to Kayseri.
{Timber 1 cu.m. - 225,000 TL. Hardwood 350,000 TL}
He has to run his land to eat, so he cannot give satisfactory delivery dates and people go to Kayseri for their needs.
Building the workshop in the vlg. was a mistake.
D... i(Yaar) went to Hallam in 1964.
He worked until 5 years ago. Now draws unemployment benefit. His children are studying and some earning. He gets 1,500 G a month (around 100 a week).
He said 3 levels of unemployment benefit
6 months - full
2 years much less
Then 'azgari'{?}
Also present i(1279 Ahsin Bayraktar) who had been to Gazi Enstitusu (?)
This man Pazorren; then Ilk Okulu Oretmen. I think he said Izmir. Savings
1971 Went to Vienna to study for one year at his own expense imi "Ekonomi".

Now teaches German in Ankara at Kalaba Lisesi.

He also visited Berlin to improve his German.
Wife is Bashemsire in Haceltepe.
They live in Aydinevleri.

k<wedding> k<migrant labour> k<construction> k<unemployment> k<occupation>



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