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1986_July-Sept_86HH -    Note: 874

Page: 97-98
Date: 31. 7. 86.
Location: Elba

Ilk. Okul. 10 teachers 6 yerli 4 yabanci {gl : 6 local, 4 outsiders}
were more yerli-ga*lliler{?}

Local teachers

i(1273 Orhan Grbuz)
i(1076 Arif Ayata) Mdr
i(Durdu Koramaz)
i(zeyir zman)
i(Asler Kara)
i(Cuma Gencoglu)
i(1076 Arif) says 70,000 TL + 10,000 TL. Vergi iddusa.
1 cow.
No land.
Took him 6 years to build his house, because "memur"s are so badly paid.



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