This is sometimes described in the plural form (mivhetho). Ceremonial thrashing seems to be a common feature of initiation schools in southern Africa. The girls are made to trash each other as hard as possible with banana stalks. In this context, a stalk is called hamu mudia- (the stick that strikes the heifers, i.e. the young girls). |
Novices thrash each other with banana stalks.
When a girl begins to have complete intercourse (and not merely the external - ), it will be painful and tiring. |
Milayo |
- Muvhetho ndi
na misidzana: ndi musi vho vhingana. Musi vha tshi lala , a tshi vuwa nga matshelo, u vuwa o rama.
The thrashing refers to a youth and a girl: when they are married. When they sleep together, and she gets up in the morning, she will get up feeling limp.
hamu: ndi midia-
the sticks: that is, the strikers of heifers
- Nnyo dza vhathannga
the youths' penes.
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