Tshihunguvhu tsho lila manzhesana. |
The crow longed for its little ones. |
Chorus: |
Tsha vhuya tsha lila, wee! |
Then it must just go on longing for them! |

This song tells of a crow, whose young are old enough to fly away. It refers to the novices going home when domba is burnt. At some schools, it is sung when the girls return from the river, carrying reeds; but at others, when they reach the ruler's courtyard after being carried up on their 'mothers'' backs.
At Mianzwi, they sing the sentence, "tshihunguvhu...," as part of a song which resembles No. 7 (phuruphuru ya vhurwa). Since this is supposed to be sung when they make offerings to the ancestor-spirits (thevhula) of the Mbedzi at the pool, Maneleddzi (see mulayo No. 27), this further supports the theory that domba was originally a rite of passage of the pre-conquest clans, and especially of the rain-makers. |