Lines 316 - 337
316 |
- Mangwele mavhuya u ratha;
Mangwele is rocky and hard to scale;
317 |
- A sa naki u
It is not suitable for building a home.
Mangwele is a beautiful, distinctive, but uninhabited mountain to the north-west of Tshakhuma (see van Warmelo 1932:9).
318 |
- Malindini
vha naka.
At Malindi the domba was very good.
319 |
- Mambwane
Mambwane the ruler of Tshidahulu.
320 |
- Mapate
Nya- .
Nya-Mutshokota of Mapate (near Duthuni).
321 |
vho tamba ngakwo;
At Matangari they played with (made love to) a little one;
322 |
- Vho
wa nyofho.
They filled the Venda with fear.
323 |
- U rambe
tswuke Nyamande;
Let Nyamande summon (his warriors), so that it may become red;
324 |
- U gume ha makhulu Thengwe.
Let him go as far as his wife's family at Thengwe.
325 |
- Vhuduna vhu sa
A virile man does not eat musty maize:
326 |
- U vhuye na vhusahasaha!
Let her go home with all that she has!
327 |
na vha Tshiombo
The people of Matangari and Tshiombo
328 |
- Vho lwela
u :
They fought about sucking the fruit of the `sour plum' (Ximenia caffra Sond.) (see line 247):
329 |
- Vho lwela mudo wa vhasadzi.
They fought about the perfume for women's skirts.
The translation of these two sets of lines (321-326 and 327-329) is unsatisfactory, and I was given no explanation, except that they referred literally to disputes between neighbours over women and the fruits of the land, and symbolically to sexual relationships. Matangari and Tshiombo are neighbours in what was the country of the Mbedzi, and Thengwe is nearby on the northern side of the River Mutale.
330 |
At Mavunde they don't like children:
331 |
- Tsisa
ri gonye thavha.
Put down your child so that we may go up to the ruler's place.
There is a large fig tree (muumo) at Mavunde, under which people sit, often playing the cattle raiding game (mufuvha). They will not allow any youth or girl to pass.
332 |
- Vha Mianzwi a vha luvhi khosi;
The people of Mianzwi do not pay homage to any chief;
333 |
- Vha luvha tivha
They pay homage to the pool of Maneledzi,
334 |
- Maneledzi maandatshena,
Maneledzi which is like a mirror,
335 |
- Midzimuni ya Vha ha Luvhimbi.
Where live the ancestor-spirits of the rainmakers of Luvhimbi.
336 |
- Vhumbedzi ndi hunakaho,
The country of the Mbedzi is beautiful,
337 |
- Mathina ro
-vho Muledzhi.
But we came to Moletse (near Pietersburg) (see line 293).
Lines 332-335 and 336-337 are not generally combined, though they both refer to the Mbedzi. The Venda say that the pool of Maneledzi is so deep and black that you can see stars ( ) reflected in it by day. See also line 81 and the following note.
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