Lines 363 - 380
363 |
- Nyadzani ndi thepha-madungo:
Nyadzani is bent at the joints (because he is tall):
364 |
wa thahu dza vhana:
The sweeper of novices' thahu:
365 |
- Musheu wa Magiledzhi.
The fair-faced son of Magiledzhi.
These three lines refer to Nyadzani, a former chief at Thengwe, who was noted for his height and fair complexion. The significance of line 364 is not clear.
366 |
- Nzhelele ndi tsha Vhaniyani:
Nzhelele is the place of the Niya:
367 |
- Muvhuyu a u meli
The baobab does not grow at Dzata;
368 |
- Nzhelele
Nzhelele is the place for small trees (Fluggea microcarpa Blume).
Dzata is the stone ruin at Nzhelele, which was the headquarters of the founders of the present ruling clan. Chief Mphephu lives in this area. It is not clear why Nzhelele should be called the place of the Niya, who live further to the north, especially round Manenzhe.
369 |
-tshubwa dzo nwa Nzhelele:
Elephants without tusks drank at Nzhelele:
370 |
- Dza malinga dzo nwa
Those with curved tusks drank at Mungadi.
These lines may explain lines 366-368. If the elephants without tusks are people, this could refer to the people of Manenzhe, whose totem is the elephant ( ) and who are forbidden to use its tusk. It might therefore refer to a time when they lived at Nzhelele.
371 |
- Tshandama tsha Mapanga-dundu;
Tshandama, where they fill your baskets to overflowing;
372 |
- Lukau lwa Vho-Nyamalamba;
Lukau, of the One-who-rewards-you;
373 |
- Phalama ndi
Phalama is the place of Sigari;
374 |
Mulodi, where they crowd on top of each other.
These are the praises of different areas in the Thengwe district, which were composed by the late Swethani Nemukul.
375 |
- Tshiavha tsha
Tshiavha of the One-who-perseveres:
376 |
- Vhasadzi vha
Women never give up the fight.
This refers to women's perseverance in child-birth.
377 |
- Tshifhire i amba mafhungo.
Tshifhire started the dispute,
378 |
- Swunguzwi yo ro
And those on Swunguzwi took it up:
379 |
- Swunguzwi thavha ya Dzanani,
Swunguzwi is a mountain in the district of Dzanani,
380 |
- Ya Mphephu Tshilamuleli.
Belonging to (chief) Mphephu, who takes up the fight on behalf of the weaker party.
Swunguzwi is the mountain Hangklip above Louis Trichardt.
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