- Namusisha mudzimba u ya bva: u yo zwima: a doba vhura hawe: u ya tuwa naho: a wana vhafumakadzi vha bondeloni.
Now the hunter goes: he goes to hunt: he picks up his bow: he goes off with it: he discovers married women at the place where "marula: fruit are being prepared for beer.
- A tshi vhona vhafumakadzi vha
: u a dzula fhasi. Vha ri, "Munna o swika, ri mu fha mukumbi- ?"
When he sees the married women preparing 'marula' beer: he comes and sits down. They say, "A man has come; what kind of 'marula' beer (mukumbi) are we going to give him?".
- "Na ri mu fha mukumbi (wa) tuvhu?" "Hai! Tuvhu
nwiwa nga vhasadzi." "Na ri mu fha mukumbi wa luphogo?" "Hai! Luphogo lu nwiwa nga vhasadzi." "Ri mu fha mukumbi wa lutanda: wa vhanna: wa
-manena: wo vhilaho nga : uri u ise lutanda
"Shall we give him 'marula' beer that is only one day old, before it has fermented?" "No! Tuvhu (as it is called) is drunk only by women." "Shall we give him luphogo?" " No! Luphogo is drunk only by women." "We'll give him strong, well fermented lutanda: the man's beer: that rots the guts: that is as well fermented as possible: so that he may send one lutanda to another."
This is both a comparison of the strength of the beer and of men, and a play on the double meaning of lutanda. To "send one lutanda to another' means 'to send the lutanda beer down to one's stomach and out through the lutanda [lit. long rod]', which is a euphemism for the penis. |
- A tshi nwa a ri, "Kha vha
 ." Vhe ri, "Evho! ri nwa washu wa tuvhu: wa - wa vhasadzi: wa lutanda ndi wa vhanna." A a tshi kokota na tshininga.
He drank and said, "Help me drink it." They replied, "Oh no! We drink our tuvhu beer: it's the women's very sweet thing: lutanda is the men's." [The comparison with sexual functions is deliberate.] He drank it down to the very last drop.
- O no fhedza
u doba vhura hawe: u khou tshimbila: u yo
-zwimela: u wana ntsa i a ima: a i pfula nga musevhe: a tshi via mufumakadzi a swika: a vho bva mukumbini: a tshi khou pala muroho.
When he had finished there, he picks up his bow: he walks along: he goes to hunt for himself: he finds a small antelope (duiker) standing: he shoots it with an arrow: as he skins it, a woman comes up: she has come from where they were drinking 'marula' beer: and she is picking wild vegatables.
- A tshi swika u wana a tshi khou via
phukka: a ri, "Na ri mu fha ? A ri mu fhe kuvhabvu?" A ri, "Ni a zwifha." "Mu fheni kudofha." A kudofha : a a tshi kapulela malofha fhedzi.
She arrives there and discovers the man skinning that beast: he says, "What portion shall I give her? Shall I not give her a little rib?" She says, "You are bluffing." "Then let's give her a little drop of blood." So he brings one drop of blood to another: and she finished up all the blood.