(c) Dumbu (big fat belly), (storm), or (sun). The novices' backs are splashed with a mixture that includes dung and , the pods and prickles of the velvet stinging bean (Mucuna coriacea Baker). They run down to the river to wash it off.
I heard several interpretations of this rite. It was described as dumbu khou thitha (the big fat belly causes pain), referring to the final stages of pregnancy; and as dumbu or khou tita (the big fat belly goes down: the story abates), referring to child-birth. At Makuya, the novices were splashed and sent down to the river at dawn, before climbing and honouring the pole, and the master explained: "at dawn we say 'the big fat belly goes down'." He referred to the relief of child-birth after the pains of labour, represented by the night's dancing. The master at Thengwe said the same in his milayo, but in practice he did not splash the girls and send them to the river until after the pole has been climbed at midday.
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