- 7a
- Kha
tsha monde
on the left hand:
hoho ya 
the head of a buffalo.
8a |
Kha tsha 
on the right: |
- Thonga dza tshugulu
knobkerries made of the horn of the white rhinoceros.
9a |

up above: |
tsha tshihungu-vhutwa the nest of a pied crow, which comes from the south. |
- 11
- Honoho dzula
that very place where you are
- a) Mutobvu-wa-gandila
semen from coitus interruptus.
b) Zwihungu-vhukalanga
crows from the north.
- 12
- Lukombo
boundary (fence):
- Thende-

surrounded of the homestead,
Lukanda lwa mabidige
the skin of the one who writhes (i.e. the python).
- 13
- Luvhambo lwa

the medicated stick across the
outside of the entrance:

willow tree.
- 14
- Lwa ngomu
the stick on the inside:
- Murenzhe (murevhe)
a thorny scrub [?].
- 15
- Ndi tshi yo dzhena hangei khoroni
when I am going to enter there:
Ndi tshi ri Ndo na luphala lwa 
and I say, I encountered an elephant's trunk:
- Vha amba Khoro yo ita mukwana-
they say, that is the path going to the chief's place.
- 16
- Fhasi ha mathanda a
under the poles that are rammed into the ground [by the entrance]
of the courtyard:
- Zwirethe zwa vhathu
the heels of people.
- 16a
- Fhasi ha mapango o bwelwaho ha-ngeno
under the gate-poles that have
been dug into the ground there:
- Zwirethe zwa vhathu
the heels of people.
- 17
 songo nzhena
the pole that does not go in:
- Mutuku a sa koni
an impotent lad (lit. a lad is not able).
- 17a
- Thanda dzo vhewa dzo pfi mbere
poles are placed loosely in
- Vhasadzi khole
women who are not truly married women.
- 18
o nzhenaho nga 
that which has gone in deeply:
- Mutuka a no kona
a lad who is potent.
18a |
- Thanda dzo vehewa dzo nzhala poles are placed firmly in the ground:
- Vhasadzi
: muthu wa thovhela
true [good] woman; a pregnant woman.
- 19
- Vhukati hao
in the centre of [the gateway]:
- Magumbi a Vho-Khakhu na Vho-Tshililo
old Khakhu and Tshililo, who don't make love any more.
- 19a
- Khoro yo piringedzwa
when the courtyard is overgrown:
- Magumbi a Vho-Khakhu na Vho-Tshililo
old Khakhu and Tshililo, who don't make love any more.
- 20
ha mapango
the tops of the gatepoles (which stick up and slightly outwards on either side:
-godzwa [-gudzwu, -godi]
the horns of a white ox. |
- 21
- Khoro yo valwa
when the courtyard is closed [i.e. the entrance]:
- Musidzana a songo tshinywa
a virgin:
Musidzana o -takala
a girl who is pleased with herself.
- 22
- Nda
luvhala luthihi
I pulled out one pole (from the gate, in order to open it:
- Musidzana o tshinywaho
a girl who has been deflowered.
- 22a
- Dzo valwa dzo peama
if it is not properly closed:
- Musidzana o tshinywaho
a girl who has been deflowered.
- 23
- Khoro yo valwa
the courtyard is closed.
- Musadzi a na thumbu (muthu wa thovhela)
a pregnant woman
- 24
- Yo vulwa
when it is opened:
- Muthu (musadzi) o vhofholowa
a person [woman] has come untied, i.e. a woman has delivered her baby.
- 24a
- Ri tshi vula danda (ri tshi bvisa tswinga nthihi): hezwi
tshi ngwe-le-ngwende
when we take out a pole [from the gate], and it falls down and creaks:
- Hu khou lila lutshetshe: ndi musadzi a tshi khou

an infant is crying: a woman is coming to pieces, i.e. delivering a child.