- 144
- Vha tshi vhuya vha tshi i fhala: vho no fhedza: mafhalelo aya: vhe' Ri a
Then they come back and scrape the strings: when they have finished: these shavings: they say "where do we throw them?"
- Ri a isa hangei mfudzeni wa mbila? Hai! Ri a isa mulilani wa mbudzi
Do we throw [lit. send] them on to a rock-rabbit's droppings? No! We throw them on a goat-track.
- 145
- Zwino vha tshi vhuya hangei
: vha wana thandana dzo no oma: vha tshi dzi suka
now when they go back outside: they find that those strips have dried: then they work them in their hands, to make them supple:
- Vhe'ndi vhasidzana vha khou kwevha
they call this, 'girls who are lengthening their labia minora'.
- 146
- Vha tshi dzi

when they twist the fibres:
- Mutsuli mulamba-malofha, ndi muri we ra bva nawo Thenzheni
the white tree called mutsuli, the shunner-of-blood, with which we came from Thenzheni.
- 147
- Vha tshi runga nga luunzhi: hangei hune vha runga ngalwo
when they pierce with the awl, the end with which they pierce [when they sew the thahu]:
- Munna a konaho
a potent man.
- 148
- Ngeno
the other end of the awl:
- Munna wa tsilu
a fool (an impotent man).
- 149
ya hone
the lines [of sewing]:
- ngo ya vhatukana
the urethrae (lit. seams) of boys.
- 150
- Thahu yo no runga yo no fhela:
zwine vha phapha
when the thahu has been sewn and is finished: those things that they
smear on:
- Thindi dza vhathu
human flesh.
- 151
- Vha tshi inga tshatsho
the ball of fat that they warm up:
- Vhanna
- 152
- Vha tshi
the red ochre that they rub on:
- Vhasidzana vho vhonaho
girls who have seen their monthlies.
- 153
- Hangeno
wayo (vhukati ha thahu)
there on its crown (in the centre of the thahu):
- Thuvunya ya

a baby's fontanelle.
- 154
- Hangei lubomoni lwayo
there on its rim:
- Maremu a
a sa athu naka
a baby's gums which are not yet beautiful [with teeth].
- 155
- Mbilu ya thahu
the heart of the thahu [the inside often consists of a used maize cob]:
- Mbilu ya muomva
the inside [lit.hart] of a banana.
- 156
its tassels:
- Mutshila wa kholomo
a cow's tail.
- 157
hodzini ho vhofhiwaho
on the tips where it is knotted:
hoho dza thunzi
the heads of flies.
- 158
- Bulo

the whole thahu [lit. a heap of grain which still has to be threshed]:
- Musidzana wa tshirovha
a girl who has [been treated with] a medicated rod.