1 |
Muri wa Ha , |
The tree of Ha Madala, |
2 |
Muri u si na thambo. |
A tree without pips in its fruit. |
3 |
Gaisa u vhuya. |
Gaisa will come back |
Chorus: |
Vho . |
They have eaten 'Cape gooseberry' (Physalis minima L.). |

This song teaches girls not to eat food that is taboo. Apparently is regarded as an aphrodisiac, and therefore should not be taken by young girls, who would then become too forward with men. There are several roots, herbs etc. which girls eat in order to grow quickly, and especially to have early menstruation and big breasts. Nyanthu, for example, which is the fruit of the waterberry (Syzygium condatum Hochst.), is popular with girls. It is found on the mountains and makes the mouth black after eating. |