1 |
Doba, doba ahee! |
Pit (it) up, pick (it) up! |
2 |
Doba ! |
Pick (it) up, my child! |
3 |
Mudobo wa dzikhomba. |
The picking up of nubile girls. |
Chorus: |
A i dobe! |
Let her pick (it) up! |
Grains of maize (thoro) are scattered over the floor of the hut from the centre to the door. While they sing this song, the novice must hop on one leg and pick up all the grains, one by one. Any one of the old ladies who sees that she is trying, but is tired, may say "Masha!" and the novice will stop and losha.
Another version of this song which I heard at Tengwe is: |
1 |
Thoro. |
A grain of maize. |
Chorus: |
A i na mudobeli wayo. |
Is not always for the one who picks it up |

An old lady in charge of initiation explained that this song is meant to teach girls a lesson about etiquette in her husband's home (vhuhadzi). When a person removes maize from the cob and puts the grains into a basket, some will fall on the floor. Thus, although a woman might like to remove all the grains herself she should leave some for her husband's mother to do (even if she is rather slow). The novice could of course pick up the seeds in the tshivhambo quickly if she used both legs. Her efficiency is impaired when she is told to 'hang up' one leg, and this self-denial may be compared to the restraint that a woman must observe in her husband's home. |