In another song, the situation is reversed: the dancer enacts the woman submitting to the man. She faces the drum, dancing in a crouching position; then she jumps on to the drum and continues to dance in the same position; then she jumps off backwards and continues to dance in the crouching position until told to stop.  


 Song No. 8

 1 Khomba dzanu a dzi ndoshi?
  Do your maidens not greet me humbly? (implying 'of course they do'.)
 2 Dzi ndosha ndo hwela tombo.
  They greet me (when) I have climbed on to the rock.


A novice dances crouching on the tenor drum during the song Khomba .




An interesting feature of both songs Nos. 7 and 8 is a rising fourth in the melody, perhaps to express the motion of climbing. 'Climbing on to the rock' refers to the man climbing on the woman for intercourse.


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