How to use these pages

There are two main points of entry to these pages from the 'home' or 'welcome' page. You may, however, pursue any path you wish through these materials simply by clicking on the links in the text marked in blue. At the end of each section you are offered a link back to one of the two main points of entry.

The first point of entry from the home page is accessed by clicking on the contents link which takes you to a page setting out links to all the component pages of the project. You may go directly to each component page by clicking on the appropriate link or indirectly by clicking on the 'description' link which offers a brief description of the material and a further link to it. In addition links are offered to take you directly from one section to the next in sequence or most closely linked file.

The second point of entry is accessed by clicking on the link 'Working Notes on the Kingdom of Bum'. This link takes you directly to the core materials of this project: viz- Sally Chilver's field diary and Phyllis Kaberry's fieldnotes.

It is recommended that you read through the first three days of the field diary of Sally Chilver. It is further strongly suggested that you read these diary pages together with the published accounts as a means of coming to terms initially with the detailed ethnographic data. The first set of diary pages has been linked to a glossary file, as have the two sections of the published account. On each page the first mention of a topic or character offers a link to the glossary which, in turn, offers a brief explanation of the term. The glossary may also be accessed directly from the contents page and, in addition, a link to the glossary is offered at the base of each section. The diary pages have been further linked to a set of commentaries, notes, questions and exercises.

You have the facility to search all the material contained in these pages for a particular term or topic. Entering a key word e.g. kwi'fon or theme such as 'incorporation' into the search engine will give you a number of returns (or 'hits') on sections containing the key word or theme. You may then click on the presented link and go directly to that section.

A separate bibliographic file is also included. There are some links in the text to this file. However the bibliography may also be directly accessed through the contents page.

Throughout all the materials contained in these pages - diary pages, fieldnotes, correspondence, etc., - efforts are made to distinguish clearly between the different 'voices'. This is achieved by the use of different font colours and/or different fonts and [bracketing].

A number of photographs are included in the diary pages. These are included as small images (generally 200x200 pixels) but you may access a larger version together with a linked text caption simply by clicking on the original small image.

A clickable map of the Lagabum Palace has been constructed from Sally Chilver's sketched diagram. It can be accessed from the opening diary page for the 12th of June. Clicking on a particular section of the map takes you directly to the text where that feature is described.

NOTE you may always return to your last point of departure very simply by clicking the 'back' arrow at the top of the browser screen.

Aims Contents Working Notes Acknowledgments

For further information contact Ian Fowler