- 39
- Midugudugu (or mudugo, or mudugudugu or mulilo)
the leaping flames:
[Sometimes makuni (big pieces of firewood ) is given. If so, it is always specified that it is red or burning. It may also be used for No. 41 being described as either unburnt or charred black.]
- a) Vhasidzana vha vhonaho

girls who see their monthly courses.
b) Malofha a khomba
the blood of a maiden.
- 40
- Mahala matswuku
red embers:
- Vhasadzi vha vhonaho
women who see their monthly courses.
- 41
- Mahala o fhelaho (Mahala o dzimaho, tshisikalala)
The burnt out embers (i.e. black):
- Vhakegulu (vha sa tsha vhona
Old ladies [past the menopause].
- 42
- Milora
Ashes [i.e. 'white']:
- a)Vhanna
- 43
- Vhutsi
- Khalaru yo tiba Luvhimbi
the mist that covers the hill of Luvhimbi [where the rain- makers lived].
- 44
- Mbilu ya tshivhaso
the heart of the fire-place:
- Thinyamusi
a girl who is still a virgin.