1 |
Kurundende! |
Carefully does it! |
Chorus: |
Vho-Langanani vho musadzi wa . |
Mrs Langanani treated her son's wife like a delicate pot. |
(lit. carried her carefully in her hands) |

The dancers squat and hop on the spot, without any other movements.
The song teaches a girl that she must not allow her husband's mother to cook for her: it is her duty to cook for the old lady. A woman who is spoilt by her mother-in-law will never be any good at housekeeping. Another line may be sung: o hulelwa o biko mbodza wa mme - the child has now grown up, but she still cooks underdone food in her mother's home. Although a woman is supposed to enjoy 'sitting on her backside' when her son marries, she may also like to feel useful in the home, and it is for this reason that a young wife is also encouraged not to be too aggressively efficient (see Song No. 7B). |