Advice for students(Acrobat Reader file)
You can find another version of this file in the folder manual_pdf on the top level of this CD
How to Use the ERA Resources |
Element 1 Pitt Rivers: anthropology and the history of museums |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Layout of the element: |
Reading and using the element: |
Essay and seminar discussion topics: |
Web sites: |
Element 2 Peasant Social Worlds |
Introduction: |
Reading & using the element: |
Themes: |
Essays/seminars/discussion: |
Element 3 ‘Venda Girls’ Initiation’: |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Reading and Using the element: |
Essays/seminars/discussion: |
Suggested further reading: |
Element 4 Working Notes on the Kingdom of |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Reading and Using the element: |
Essay and seminar discussion topics: |
Further reading/Web sites: |
Element 5 The Ascoli Project: a Puglian |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Reading and Using the element: |
Essays/seminars/discussion: |
Element 6 Ancestors in Africa: selected |
Introduction: |
Reading and using the element: |
Essay and seminar discussion topics: |
Further reading: |
Element 7 Mambila Riddles |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Using the element in teaching: |
Layout of element: |
Element 8 Mambila Divination |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Using the interactive parts of the element: |
Essay and seminar discussion topics: |
Further reading: |
Element 9 The work of Farnham Rehfisch |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Reading and using the element: |
Essay and seminar discussion topics: |
Element 10 Ritual spirit possession in the |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Essay and seminar discussion topics: |
Layout of the element: |
Further reading: |
Element 11 Representing Kinship |
Introduction: |
Suggestions: |
Layout of the element: |
Kinship editor |
Calculating Kin |
Other sites of interest: |
Element 12 Computer-based Simulation |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Reading and Using the element: |
Element 13 A day in the Life ...April 199 Somié Village, Cameroon |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Reading & using the element: |
Essays/Issues: |
Element 14 Forty-five years in two |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Reading and Using the element: |
Essays/Seminars/Discussions: |
Web sites: |
Element 15 The Powell-Cotton Museum |
Introduction: |
Themes: |
Reading and using the element: |
Essay and seminar discussion topics: |
Web sites: |
Working Example ERA in Action: |